Sunday, June 12, 2011


India completed 62 years as a nation on August 15, 2009. During these 62 years, sizeable progress had been made, but there were also many failures. India has made numerous achievements, notably in agriculture, defence and industrial development. Other problems, such as population growth, law and order and corruption continue to be ignored.

India is a huge country, now with more than 1 billion people, and also a nuclear power. Yet, it does not account for much in the world. The 2009 Human Development Report ranked it at 134th out of 182 countries, wedged in between Lao and Solomon Islands. India is a globalization success but it cannot look after its children. Over 2.5 million children die in India every year, accounting for one in five child deaths in the world. Girls under five are 50 per cent more likely to die than boys, with the female death risk remaining higher till the age of 30. Poor mother and child health is one of the major factors that have kept India’s Human Development Index (HDI) rank low. The disparity between States remains phenomenal, with four States—Bihar, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh—accounting for over half of the child deaths in the country.


Afghanistan: Kabul
Albania: Tirana
Algeria: Algiers
Angola: Luanda
Antigua & Barbuda: St John’s
Argentina: Buenos Aires
Armenia: Yerevan
Australia: Canberra
Austria : Vienna
Azerbijan: Baku


ABM: Anti Ballistic Missiles
ABVP: Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad
AC: Alternating Current; Ashoka Chakra
ACU: Asian Currency Union
AD: anno Domini; in the year of Lord Christ
ADB: Asian Development Bank
ADC: Aide-de-Camp; Access Deficit Charge
ADF: Asian Development Fund


The Earth—Its Motions and their Effects
The earth has two motions, viz., (1) Rotation around its axis or the daily motion. The axis of the earth is an imaginary line inclined at 66.5° to the plane of the orbit of the earth. The earth rotates round its axis from west to east once in 24 hours. Effects: Days and nights are caused. The sun, moon and other heavenly bodies appear to revolve round the earth from east to west. Direction of winds and currents is changed.

(2) Revolution round the sun on its orbit, or the annual motion: The earth revolves round the sun once in about 365.25 days. Effects: It causes seasons; days and nights are of unequal length at the same place.


Animals, Mammals and Birds (and places where they are found)
Albatross: Sea birds; North Pacific, off the American coast.
Alpaca: Animal found in Chile (South America).
Anatolian goat: Angora wool is sheered from this goat.
Beaver: found in Europe (Russia and Poland) and North America. It is a genus of mammals of the Rodentia order with short scaly ears and webbed hind feet and broad flat muscular tail. It attains a length of 2.5 to 3 ft. Its skin is of considerable commercial value. It is noted for ingenuity and industry in building houses and damming shallow streams. It is also valued for its reddish brown fur and a secretion castoreum (caster oil) used in medicines and perfumes.


Tribes and Races
Afridis: A war-like race of hill men on the north-west frontier of Pakistan (tribal area of Waziristan).
Bedouins: Nomadic tribe of Arabia, spread over the whole of Northern Africa and Western Asia.
Bhils: a primitive Dravidian race inhabiting Central India.
Boer: a name applied to South Africans of Dutch or Huguenot descent, especially to early settlers of Transvaal and the Orange Free State and their descendants.


Bengal’s Sorrow: Damodar River
Blue Mountains: Nilgiri Hills
China’s Sorrow: Hawang-Ho
City Beautiful: Chandigarh
City of Dreaming Spires: Oxford
City of Golden Gate: San Francisco
City of Magnificent Buildings: Washington

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Health Cards to Govt. Employees, Pensioners & their family members

G.O. Ms. No. 1049, Dated: 31/05/2011 - Employees Health Care – Cashless treatment to Government Employees, Pensioners and their family members – Constitution of the Technical Committee – Orders – CLICK HERE

APAT(Rc.No. 1570/C3-2/2011-1&2&3, Dated: 04/06/2011) Interim orders on rationalization & transfer counselling

Rc.No. 1570/C3-2/2011-1, Rc.No. 1570/C3-2/2011-2 & Rc.No. 1570/C3-2/2011-3 Dated: 04/06/2011 - Suits – APAT, Hyderabad – Rationalization and transfer counseling – O.As filed by certain applicants- Interim orders - instructions

Dearness Relief to Pensioners G.O.Ms.No.106 Dated: 04.06.2011 released

G.O.Ms.No.106, Dated: 04/06/2011 - Pension – Dearness Relief to Pensioners with effect from 01.01.2011 – Revised - Orders -CLICK HERE

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